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Chapter Event – Grand Rapids Audubon Club

Kent County Winter Exploration and Birding

Leader: Tom Leggett

Tom has come up with a new series of trips that meet his challenging work schedule. All these trips will meet at Johnson Park. Emphasis will be on nearby areas including Millennium Park. By late April, migration should be in full swing with some warblers and shorebirds moving through the area. Tom will be looking for them. Some trips may visit the Paul Henry trail and its woods and fields, but hot birds may dictate the route. Essentials: Meet at the south parking lot in Johnson Park just off Butterworth Drive and north of 28th Street at 1:30 PM. Do not take the long drive into Johnson Park just north of 28th. This is planned as an afternoon trip. You may want to bring a snack and a drink to keep you going. Safety Hazards: Watch out for poison ivy and early biting insects. Driving in a caravan can be hazardous. Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop. Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan. Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.

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