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Chapter Event – Grand Rapids Audubon Club

Berrien County Warblers Trip

May 16, 2015, Saturday, 6:30 AM

Leader: Scott Hutchings

This is a prime date for warblers at Warren Dunes State Park, and the trails from Floral Lane entrance will be the major focus. This is a heavily birded area and species such as Worm-eating Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Mourning Warbler and Connecticut Warbler are reported from here many years. This will be a little early for Mourning and Connecticut, but at least 1 of the 4 will be reported for the week. Prairie Warblers nest out in open dune areas here. If you make the effort, they can be found. Other possible stops are the 3 Oaks Sewage Ponds and the South Branch of the Galien River. The Kesling Nature Preserve on Forest Lawn Road and Lakeside Road are both good for Yellow-throated Warbler, Cerulean Warbler and Whiteeyed Vireo. In recent years, Fish Crows have been reported from the nearby dump. Other stops are possible, including Galien River Park north of New Buffalo and Chikaming Township Park. Bring your CB or Family radio if you have one and we’ll try to keep in touch between cars. Birders of all skills are welcome. Essentials: Meet at the McDonald’s in Hudsonville, north of the freeway, at 6:30 AM. Plan to leave extra cars in the car pool lot on the way back to the freeway. This is a longer trip than most of our trips since it is a 90-minute drive to areas near the state line. Plan on the better part of the day for the trip. Bring snacks and drinks to keep you going. A lunch stop is planned. Safety Hazards: Driving in a caravan can be hazardous. Get directions from the leader for travel to the next stop. Please exercise caution on the roads at all times, and watch the car ahead of you when driving in a caravan. Bugs and poison ivy are likely; take appropriate precautions. Please have a passenger handle all radio or phone communications while in a car.


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