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Are you interested in fall birding at Whitefish Point Bird Observatory in the Upper Peninsula? Are you looking to advance your birding skills? Join Michigan Audubon and an experienced birding guide for the thrills of fall migration at WPBO in Paradise, Mich., and surrounding hotspots.

During the 2-day tour, we will enjoy the autumn colors and relish the excitement of migrating waterbirds, fall warblers, and owls. Although fall migration can be unpredictable, it’s also a chance to see vagrants and rarities at the Point — the tour will surely be an adventure to remember.

Fall WPBO Birding Tours are available for two different dates: Sept. 21-22 and Oct. 5-6. Tours are limited to 12 participants, and we anticipate them filling fast. Tours cost $150 for Michigan Audubon members and $175 for non-members. Please note that the fee does not include meals or lodging.

This tour is rated MODERATE. Travel is by car caravan with foot travel at a variety of sites. Some sites are paved, others are grass or gravel paths. Participants should be able to withstand a variety of weather possibilities, including rain, wind, and sun.

Registration will open June 14.

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