In a February visit to the C.A. Frost Environmental Science Academy, approximately 75 first-grade students were mesmerized while learning facts about Turkey Vultures — the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all. Their collective “awwws” while looking at photos of fluffy little vulture chicks quickly turned into a chorus of “ewwws” when they learned they use projectile vomiting as a defense mechanism. There may also have been some new vocabulary words thrown in like carrion and defecate. Needless to say, these kids were instant fans of the often underappreciated species.

The school is one of three that currently takes part in Michigan Audubon’s Bird by Bird program, which connects young people with birds and the natural world through classroom-based bird feeding and monitoring activities. The program brings facilitators into the classroom for an avian-focused activity that ranges from learning about bird habitats, migration, and basic identification to competing in Bird Olympics. Participating classroom teachers also work to incorporate birds and conservation into their curriculum while providing a library of bird identification and resource guides.

To cap off the day’s lesson at C.A Frost, students were able to make their own “vulture vomit” to take home and were given a Michigan Audubon sticker that features a Turkey Vulture and the words, “Soar. Sniff. Eat.” We’re guessing the dinner table conversation was pretty interesting that evening.

If you have questions about the Bird by Bird program, please contact Education Coordinator Lindsay Cain at You may also click on the links below to express interest in the program.

Read more about Turkey Vultures in our International Vulture Awareness Day post.

Teachers click here if you would like Bird by Bird to come to your classroom. 

If you would like to be a Bird by Bird instructor, please start by filling out our Volunteer Application.

Make Your Own Vulture Vomit


  • 1/4 tsp Borax Powder {found in laundry detergent aisle}.
  • 1/2 cup Elmer’s Clear or White Washable PVA School Glue
  • 1 cup of warm water divided into 1/2 cups
  • Food Coloring, Glitter, Confetti (Optional)
  • Bowl, Spoon, Measuring Cups


  • Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of borax powder into 1/2 cup of warm water. Mix this thoroughly.
  • In a separate bowl, measure out about 1/2 cup of clear glue and mix with 1/2 cup of water and optional additions like food coloring until well mixed.
  • Pour borax/water mixture into glue/water mixture and stir it up!
  • Knead your slime well after mixing. Kneading the slime really helps to improve its consistency.