John Scaramucci | Cement City, MI
2024 Board Candidate

I am a zoologist, nature nerd, and passionate birder. I have several years of service experience on volunteer boards, including the Houston Audubon Young Professional Advisory Council and the Greater Houston Chapter of the American Association of Zookeepers. These organizations have been instrumental in my development and understanding of how I can make a positive and lasting impact. I took on the added roles of social and conservation chairs which directly tied into my personal strengths and abilities.

Why do you want to serve as a board member for Michigan Audubon, and what would you like to contribute?

I returned home to Michigan in 2021 after over a decade of working at accredited zoological institutions, learning new regional flora and fauna, and developing a strong relationship with conservation organizations. Now I am looking to expand my role in helping to advance the mission of Michigan Audubon. I want to contribute my expertise in expanding a more bird-friendly community, accessibility to the joys of birding, and a connection to nature. I am energetic, creative, and personable.

What is your favorite bird and why?

My favorite bird is the Wood Thrush. I have always found their song to be beautiful, haunting, and iconic. Walking through the woods has always been my favorite meditation activity, but getting a chance to see and hear the Wood Thrush is always a special moment for me.