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Whitefish Point Bird Observatory’s Annual Spring Fling

Snowy Owl by USFWSSpring Fling, April 30-May 1, 2016,  is the Whitefish Point Bird Observatory’s annual celebration of bird migration. Expect excellent birding along with opportunities to learn more about avian migration and conservation around the Great Lakes. This is a new Signature Event, part of our collaboration with our affiliate, WPBO.

For additional information, contact Wendy Tatar, Program Coordinator, at 517-580-7364.

[vc_actionbox type=”primary” title=”Register Now!” message=”Registration for Spring Fling is now open! Please check out the schedule before registering, there are many events to choose from! ” button1=”See Schedule” link1=”https://www.michiganaudubon.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Spring-Fling-2016-Schedule.pdf” style1=”green” size1=”” icon1=”star” button2=”Register” link2=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-fling-2016-tickets-21562270331″ style2=”white” size2=”” icon2=”shopping-cart”]

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