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A video of this webinar is available for viewing on the Michigan Audubon YouTube channel.

Join us as Paul Bielawski teaches about nest box maintenance and monitoring. Several resident bird species in Michigan utilize nest boxes to build their nests and care for their young. Among these cavity-nesting birds are Eastern Bluebird, Tree Swallow, Black-capped Chickadee, House Wren, Northern Flicker, Wood Duck, Eastern Screech-Owl, and American Kestrel. 

Paul is the current next box trail volunteer monitor for Michigan Audubon’s Capital City Bird Sanctuary and has plenty of tips, tricks, and anecdotes from his time as a nest box steward to share.

Register for the Zoom webinar here.

We will also be broadcasting the webinar live through our Facebook page, and a recording will be made available following the event.

This event is a part of our Mi Bird-Friendly Communities Lunch & Learn webinar series. Each webinar takes place on the second Tuesday of each month at 12 p.m. and is free.

The Mi Bird-Friendly Communities program seeks to inspire environmental wonder and stewardship among city residents, community members, and local businesses through four programmatic elements: urban conservation education, species-specific conservation, native landscaping, and hazard reduction for migratory birds.

Learn how and why to bring bird conservation into your community and your backyard!

Webinar dates and topics:

Jan. 12 | Mi Bird-Friendly Communities Program Overview

Feb. 9 | Nest Boxes — Maintenance and Monitoring

Mar. 9 | How To Be a Purple Martin Landlord

Apr. 13 | Bird-Window Collisions

May 11 | Bird-Friendly Backyards Featuring Native Plants

June 8 | Invasive Species — Identification and Removal Techniques

July 13 | Mi Bird-Friendly Communities Program Overview

Aug. 10 | Chimney Swift Conservation Concerns and Monitoring

Sept. 14 | Lights Out and Global Bird Rescue Week

Oct. 12 | Fall Garden Clean-Up

Nov. 9 | Cats and Birds

Dec. 14 | Mi Bird-Friendly Communities — Year in Review

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