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Supplemental Feeding of Purple Martins Saves Lives

April 26th, 2024|

Feeding Purple Martins during weather-related insect declines is a landlord management practice that can save the lives of these beloved birds. Because they are aerial insectivores, only eating insects on the fly, they suffer greatly during prolonged periods of cold, excessive [...]

Chad’s Conservation Update April 2024

April 15th, 2024|

Conservation Manager Chad Machinski, M.S., joined the Michigan Audubon team in March of 2023 and has made great progress in reviving the stewardship of MA's sanctuaries and engaging with our dedicated volunteers ever since. To help you stay connected [...]

What Are the Key Benefits of Migration?

April 4th, 2024|

Every year, we experience the phenomenon of migration — twice, in fact. But year after year, the change of seasons is shifting. Spring comes early, and fall comes late. What does this mean for migratory birds? What does this [...]